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Desiree Alston

Assistant Director
WestCOP/Victims Assistance Services

Desiree Alston has been working with survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault and human trafficking for over 25 years. Desiree earned her Bachelor's degree in Psychology from Mount Saint Mary College and graduated with her MSW from Hunter College Silberman School of Social Work with a specialization in clinical practice with individuals and families.

Desiree currently works with survivors of all types of crime and specializes in advocacy, outreach and education, and trauma informed response. A strong believer in fostering social awareness and system change for survivors of crime, Desiree has lobbied on behalf of child sex trafficking victims and has worked to create awareness by collaborating with NY Times reporters and large corporations in order to enhance community awareness and to garner support for the needs of survivors.

Desiree currently serves as the Assistant Director with WestCOP- Victims Assistance Services (VAS), and oversees all programs and special program initiatives, including: Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) services; a Victim Impact Project (at Westchester County Jail) through the Resolve to Stop Violence Program (RSVP); MDT/CAC program (serving child victims of physical and sexual abuse) in partnership with Westchester County DSS and the Children’s Advocacy Center; Volunteer Rape Crisis Counselor training/recruitment program; and the operation of their 24 hour crisis helpline. She also works in collaboration with Title IX coordinators from colleges throughout Westchester County in her direction of VAS’s Sexual Violence Prevention Education program. Desiree is a core member of the Westchester County Domestic Violence High Risk Team (DVHRT) in partnership with local law enforcement, The Office for Women, and fellow domestic violence service providers.

Additionally, Desiree is an expert on strangulation prevention and provides training for police departments, service providers and educational institutions in order to raise awareness and increase victim safety through advocacy, outreach and education.

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