Rape and Sexual Assault
Westchester Medical Center - FACT Program
FACT (Forensic Acute Care Team) is a team of experienced, highly qualified and compassionate physicians and nurses available 24 x 7 to offer various aspects of medical and/or forensic care to patients presenting with concerns for recent (within 96 hours) sexual abuse or assault. FACT is one of five programs in New York State certified as a Center of Excellence for children, adolescents and adults presenting with concerns for abuse and/or assault. For more information visit Westchester Medical Center's Web site.
One Love Foundation
The One Love Foundation's goal is to educate, empower, and activate, young people in a movement to end relationship abuse. To learn more and get involved visit One Love's Web site.
Victims Assistance Services of WestCOP
Victims Assistance Services (VAS) provides free, comprehensive and compassionate services to crime victims and their families, friends and loved ones. VAS also works to end violence through community action, public policy and culture change, and through prevention education programs in schools and in other community venues. For more information visit VAS' Web site.
Did you know:
- One out of four women will be raped sometime during her lifetime
- Over 80 percent of all sexual assaults are committed by an acquaintance of the victim, but almost half of these victims tell no one about the rape
- Nationally, rape is the most under-reported crime
- Women ages 16-25 are three times more likely to be raped than women in any other age group
U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics, 1992
Rape is a violent and criminal act. It doesn’t matter where it is committed or if the assailant is known to the victim. It is often difficult to tell just by looking at someone if he is a rapist. He may be a stranger or someone you know and trust. He may even be a family member. Anyone can become a victim of rape and/or sexual assault.
Sources used in this section:
Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault 1993.
"Sexual Violence Facts and Statistics"
United States Bureau of Justice Statistics, 1992.
"Rape Prevention Tips," produced by the
Westchester County Office for Women in 1985.