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DV Special Needs

This project is a county-level initiative that grew in response to needs uncovered by service community representatives assisting victims of domestic violence. It became apparent that many domestic violence victims had multiple and special needs that sometimes went undetected, making it unusually difficult to help them find safety and support. It became clear that more than the informal and person-to-person linkages between the service provider community and the domestic violence service provider community was needed to enable all involved to serve clients with dual needs effectively.

A desk manual is available to assist the Westchester service community to improve identification of and response to the needs of survivors of domestic violence. It includes the needs of: 

  • the elderly
  • the disabled
  • those with mental illness or impairment
  • lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or questioning people
  • those with HIV/AIDS
  • teenagers
  • groups marginalized by race, color, religion, and/or immigration status

For information on domestic violence trainings related to the special needs population, contact the Office for Women.

DV in the Workplace

The Office for Women coordinates domestic violence trainings on both county and corporate levels:

Be safe in the workplace
Training sessions are held for county employees, including Deputy Commissioners, Directors, Supervisors, Compliance Officers, Managers, County Attorneys, Inspectors, Public Safety Officers and other interested employees. Manuals, posters and resource information are distributed to each attendee. Topics include: 

  • County Workplace Domestic Violence Policy
  • Laws and liability
  • Resource information

Domestic violence and its effects on the workplace
In collaboration with Jackson/Lewis LLP and Susan Corcoran, Esq., training sessions are held for corporations. Manuals are distributed to each attendee. Topics include: 

  • A sample of the County Workplace Domestic Violence Policy
  • Laws and liability
  • Resource information

Trainings for county departments and corporations are available upon request. For more information contact the Office for Women.